Fulham Gasworks concept development proposal.
Project team: LDA Design
Site area 7.6 Ha

Site in London context

The oldest Gasholder ever built in London located within the site boundary together with 2 other listed buildings.

Listed buildings within site boundary

Site in Surrounding context

According to analysis of the context development - most attractive surrounding areas future residents would like to identify themselves with are: Thames River, King’s Road and unique industrial history of the site.

Revealing opportunities. Proposal organically integrated to the local urban fabric and well connected to the surrounding high value attractions.

Development framework plan. Separated pedestrian and vehicle routes in order to minimize possible negative impact

Blocks -clear differentiation between public and private. Heart of development - public space & heritage

Network of provided public facilities. Active frontages facing pedestrian traffic flows. Three distinctive development character areas. Clear and achievable phasing strategy

Client’s required GEA was achieved for proposed layout within 8 floors average building height.

Gasholder structure and listed buildings are naturally integrated into the landscape framework and located on the crossing of the main pedestrian flows.