Krasnoyarsk is at the beating heart of Siberia not only for industry, commerce, and production but also as the epicentre of a magnificent collaboration of habitats, biomes, landscapes, and horticulture. Gorky Central Park will become a beacon of exemplar open space celebrating the old and the new, a park for the people and a park for the future.

The land has long provided a reason to come, live and relish this corner of Russia, mining, forestry, and farming have long been a pull to bring people to the land, our concept for Gorky Central Park will be to celebrate, educate and revive the people of Krasnoyarsk through a world class park built on history, heritage and the power of her people with the help of our forward thinking and committed client – Rusal.

At a wider scale there are some of the most amazing geographical and geological features in the world, the Stolby’s show majesty and tectonic power, expansive Taiga forests are the beating lungs of the area while nature reserves provide sanctuary and refuge for flora, fauna and people. There is also an intense work ethic to the landscape, Rusal has long been a partner to the city providing employment and production of Aluminium, the use of the landscape has been long, now is the time to begin the contributions back to the city and to the earth.
The riches of the landscape will be brought in all their forms to the heart of the City at Gorky Central Park.
Central Park as a part of a wider POS structure.
To us the park is not simply bounded by the walls and gates of the existing Gorky Park., the surrounding streets and local area have the opportunity to contribute more widely to a pro-active community led improvement to public open space. The first step by Rusal will be integral to a wider city improvement.

We know the city has a reducing active age range with people in the younger years seeking life elsewhere, we also understand the concerns for the environment, the wider changes taking place in the world and the need for people to take responsibility.
We understand the socio-economic needs, we know that simply making a beautiful place is not enough, we need to provide opportunities, a reason to return and a place which contributes to the circular local economy.
We understand the socio-economic needs, we know that simply making a beautiful place is not enough, we need to provide opportunities, a reason to return and a place which contributes to the circular local economy.

Our concept puts at its heart a desire to provide what is so often missing, the everyday enjoyment, mystery, and intrigue that a Park of this importance can give. It will be a catalyst to wider regeneration providing activities, sports facilities and recreation for people of all ages to enjoy from the youngest child to the oldest grandparent, Gorky Central Park will be for everyone and will be a reason to stay.
Our big idea is actually to create four ideas, the park is already dissected by a strong north south and east west link, we propose to strengthen these routes as a framework within which to build a diverse and deliverable park.
Each of the four areas will relate to a key theme – Heritage, Culture, Health and Wellbeing. Within these areas the activities and landscape design will contribute to feelings of calmness, happiness, excitement and intrigue.
The four areas will be held together by one of the oldest features of the park – the railway line, this railway will be improved to become a journey for train, by foot and by bicycle, it will be opened up to showcase views and deliver people to different areas whilst becoming a spine for exercise and activity in both summer and winter.
The park will also be a showcase for Rusal and the work they are doing in production and construction, we propose to utilise recycled materials in a beautiful way to clad structures and provide new contemporary sculptures in the park made by the very people who work for Rusal.
Our big idea is actually to create four ideas, the park is already dissected by a strong north south and east west link, we propose to strengthen these routes as a framework within which to build a diverse and deliverable park.
Each of the four areas will relate to a key theme – Heritage, Culture, Health and Wellbeing. Within these areas the activities and landscape design will contribute to feelings of calmness, happiness, excitement and intrigue.
The four areas will be held together by one of the oldest features of the park – the railway line, this railway will be improved to become a journey for train, by foot and by bicycle, it will be opened up to showcase views and deliver people to different areas whilst becoming a spine for exercise and activity in both summer and winter.
The park will also be a showcase for Rusal and the work they are doing in production and construction, we propose to utilise recycled materials in a beautiful way to clad structures and provide new contemporary sculptures in the park made by the very people who work for Rusal.

Proposed Park design is going to be reflecting its historical context bringing to the surface different layers of the past, creating strong visionary and ambitious image for the future of Krasnoyarsk at the same time.
At the moment Park territory is fenced and closed between 11pm and 11am. This schedule highlights opportunity for park area to work harder welcoming visitors in the early morning hours. Removing fences around the park perimeter will help to achieve seamless integration of the park area into surrounding urban fabric. Planting and landscape will become natural connectivity barrier naturally and intuitively introducing navigation and new and existing access points to the park. This will also help to achieve better visual connectivity and therefore safety for park visitors within its perimeter.
Bringing life 24/7 and introducing anchor points with some of the nonexisting activities in the park, combined with above measures will help to change activity distribution pattern in historical city centre of Krasnoyarsk bringing life, excitement and joy of daily usage to the park what should help to raise the quality of living for Krasnoyarsk residents and present city as forward looking, bold and ambitious megalopolis proud of its legacy like its residents.

We see the park design as a pebble in a lake, it will ripple outwards into the city greening streets, improving air quality, play space and biodiversity reinforcing that this is a city its people can be proud of. The park is a journey, a space for young and old, rich and poor – our masterplan provides something for everyone.

Central Access northern edge before-after

Eastern access gateway before-after

New eastern access gateway before-after

Western access gateway before-after

New western access gateway before-after

Yenisei riverfront before and after view with new ramping bridge connecting park with embankment level

Character Areas
Throughout the design process we have made sure there are offers for all people regardless of age or gender. The following pages summarise our approach to the key character areas which make up Gorky Central Park, for us the provide excitement, places to play, places to discover and simply a place to rest.

Character Area 1: The Station Cinema
This area puts the existing station as a beacon in the park but also adds a new extension to the existing cinema to create an active open edge to the park which can be open air in the summer, the station looks over a large open grassed area which can be activated by markets, fun fairs and pop-up events. It will be the space to view fireworks festivals and a home for the performing arts. This area will also host the Rusal museum, a space for sculpture and to showcase the work of Rusal and the wider environment. This area is all about culture, a place to visit and take away happy feelings. Although one of the simplest areas in the plan it is the area that allows the most flexibility – something which is missing at present.
This area puts the existing station as a beacon in the park but also adds a new extension to the existing cinema to create an active open edge to the park which can be open air in the summer, the station looks over a large open grassed area which can be activated by markets, fun fairs and pop-up events. It will be the space to view fireworks festivals and a home for the performing arts. This area will also host the Rusal museum, a space for sculpture and to showcase the work of Rusal and the wider environment. This area is all about culture, a place to visit and take away happy feelings. Although one of the simplest areas in the plan it is the area that allows the most flexibility – something which is missing at present.

Character Area 2: Adventurous Heritage
We propose to re-build some of the lost structures from years gone by, these buildings will provide a new station structure to gather around and also provide an amenity area for people who have just entered the park.

Next to this area is the sunken adventure playground. We love the idea that the landscape of the wider region encourages active sports like cross country skiing, climbing, hiking and running and want to bring some of this to the park. The sunken play area will be protected from the weather and also contain noise of happy children, so the rest of the park is not interrupted. This play space will be full of colour, amazing sculptural play equipment and a dedicated urban sports area for skateboarding and free running.

The western side of the park will also be interspersed with elevated boardwalk trails keeping feet off the ground and protecting the landscape below, these boardwalks have pockets of gathering spaces, outdoor firepits and protected bbq areas for people to use freely.

Character Area 3: "Stolby"
The landscape of the region provides inspiration to the city park, we understands Rusal’s close connection with the earth and as such we propose to create the Stolby hills which are a reminder of the geological history and yet provide play opportunities for the youth of Krasnoyarsk. The Stolby is a place of surprise, a place to be elevated and view across the landscape. This corner of the park will be no different, it is a space to explore and to be adventurous within.

Character Area 4: The Market Memory Lane

The Media Centre does more than simply add another structure of the park, it is an opportunity to showcase cutting edge technologies regarding materials and how we recycle them. For example the façade is constructed using aerated recycled aluminium mined from right here in Krasnoyarsk. The structure is also a beacon for education, a space to showcase new ideas and create new objects.

Character Area 5: The Yenisei Water Gardens
Water is vital for life to exist, the relationship Krasnoyarsk has with the Yenisey is vital and exists on a financial, commercial, and spiritual level. The design of the park as a whole has opportunities for education and reaffirming connections with nature, within the water gardens we will collect rainwater throughout the park and pass it through a series of filter gardens to purify the water before it is discharged into the river, we will make sure this process is advertised and shared so people can understand the process involved and what benefits it brings through the use of information scenes, phone apps and light installations. We also propose to make this area fun too – the creation of hot-tubs set within the landscape using waste power from the nearby power station will add a unique place to relax whilst the elevated outdoor swimming pool creates a place for adults to rest while their children play.

Character Area 6: The Prospect
From the moment people enter the Park from the north through the new perforated aluminium arch we have added drama and excitement to the view south, where at the moment this view terminates with an electricity pylon we propose to have a unique floor pattern inspired by the flora of the park in the form of pine cones to guide people south through the park, the look out tower and slide provides a destination. Beyond we propose to extend the prospect out across the road towards the river providing a level route all the way to the rivers edge, this affords spectacular views up and down the river.

In key areas of the plan we have created macro paving patterns reminding people of the wider geological features, for example a reflection of the river valley replicated along the central prospect.

New physical and visual connection to Yenisei
Emotional culmination of the visitor route in the new park is the proposed new barrier free accessible for everyone bridge, linking park to Yenisei river-front and providing visual connection to mesmerizing scenery of the surrounding mountain panorama.