Existing Moscow public ground transportation system definitely is not so popular in comparison with Moscow Metro rapid system.
Over the past decades Moscow Metro has proven itself as a stable functioning system. It has earned a good reputation as a reliable, high-speed, low-cost and relatively comfortable carrier. People trust it and gladly use it, unlike the ground public transportation system. Every year Moscow subway writes off about 30 railcars, and a third of the existing rolling stock consist of old carriages, whose service is almost depleted.

BRT should become an analogue to the subway on the speed of a passenger traffic in a districts, located far away from the city center. Bus-shelter, as an infrastructure element, plays a key role in promoting of a new system of urban ground public transportation.
In order to production become more efficient and to turn it to more sustainable way, the design proposal concentrates on "recycling strategy" - using former rolling stock carriages as a static platforms - bus stations. This strategy gives to the written off railcars chance for the life after death.

Recognizable image, associated with a fast and reliable metro rapid system, but in an unusual surroundings, definitely will cause an emotional response of the future potential users of BRT.